Women's Well-Being at Work Virtual Conference

Women's Well-Being at Work Virtual Conference (Free Online Event)

August 14, 2024 11:30 AM-5:00 PM


11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Managing Your Money and Savings

Explore the unique financial issues career women face, including:

  • Financial planning and budgeting
    • Barriers to pay equity
    • Knowing your worth
  • Preparing for retirement
    • Emotional and lifestyle considerations
    • Income, health care and debt management
  • Navigating divorce or the death of a partner.

Available Virtually

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1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Building Your Personal and Professional Brand

Learn how to build your career and develop your role as a leader, including:

  • Boundaries and barriers for women in the workplace
    • Power dynamics and the “ick-factor”
    • Caregiving responsibilities for elderly parents, kids and grandkids
    • Addressing career gaps
  • Evolution of women leaders in the workplace
    • Establishing yourself as a professional
    • Learning to say “no”
    • Role of mentorship and sponsorship
  • Building your brand
    • Social media
    • Curating your network.

Available Virtually

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8:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Living and Working Healthy and Well

Get valuable insights on the emerging trends in women’s health and well-being, including:

  • Establishing healthy lifestyle practices
  • Physical health considerations for women
    • Pregnancy, fertility and postpartum
    • Mental and emotional health
    • Managing cancer and chronic disease risk
    • Perimenopause and menopause
  • Family planning and caregiving.

Available Virtually

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Session times are listed in Eastern Time.

Please click "View Presentation" to go to each session's registration page.

All sessions are hosted live in On24. You will be able to submit questions via Q&A box, you will not be able to enable your camera or microphone. If your employer’s network security prevents you from using On24, disconnect from your VPN or watch the session on a personal device.

Session recordings will be processed and posted 1-2 hours after the live session concludes. You can access the recording by using the same link you used to access the live session.

The International Foundation expresses its gratitude to the speakers and moderators whose dedication and donation of time and expertise make this program possible. The opinions expressed in the program materials and presentations are those of the speakers. The International Foundation disclaims responsibility for views expressed and statements made by the program speakers. The Foundation reserves the right to substitute faculty or sessions due to unforeseen events.