Employee Benefits in Canada

A comprehensive overview of public and private employee benefit plans in Canada. These resources serve as useful references for both novice and seasoned professionals, covering the legal and administrative aspects of pension, health, and other benefit programs.

Trustees and Their Professional Advisors

Given the complexity of modern-day trust funds, and pension funds, the large number of beneficiaries involved, and the legal framework under which trustees and trust funds must operate, professional advice becomes critical.

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Legal Aspects of Trustee Expense and Attendance at Educational Programs

Like any other class of trustees, plan trustees are subject to close scrutiny by trust beneficiaries, the general public, regulators and the courts when it comes to spending and accounting for trust fund money.

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Fiduciary Responsibility

A fiduciary relationship exists when, considering all the circumstances, one person could reasonably expect the other to act in their best interests. As such, the fiduciary has a duty to act loyally and prioritize the best interests of the person who trusts in them.

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Responsible Investment: The Legal Perspective

Why is responsible investing important? It's an approach that considers environmental, social, and governance factors, focusing on the long-term health and stability of the market. It recognizes that sustainable returns rely on stable and well-governed systems.

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Trustee Fiduciary Liability Insurance

Even with the best intentions, trustees can face significant liability if accused of a wrongful act or breach of fiduciary duty. Fiduciary liability insurance safeguards both the plan's assets and the personal assets of trustees in cases of mismanagement, negligence or errors.

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