Your Pension and Your Spouse: The Joint and Survivor Dilemma, Eighth Edition
This helpful workbook provides step-by-step guidelines for married employees in a defined benefit pension plan who must decide between an employee-only annuity and a joint and survivor annuity that pays pension benefits during an employee's lifetime as well as during the lifetime of a surviving spouse. Income and expense worksheets will help the user evaluate how much money is needed for retirement. Tables on life expectancy and lump-sum pension values are handy tools that will also help with the decision-making process.
Topics covered include:
- Invest in Your Health
- Prepare for your Frail and Final Years
- Leave Your Legacy
- Track Your Progress with the Retirement Reality Check
- Gather The Facts and Figures
- List The Advantages and Disadvantages
- Plan for a Long Retirement
- Motivate and Inspire Yourself
- Take Your Financial Inventory
- Manage the Magic Formula for Retirement Income Security
- Optimize Your Best Retirement Paycheck—Social Security
- Build Your Retirement Income Portfolio
Price: $14.95 ($19.95 Nonmembers). Quantity discount available.
To order by phone contact the Foundation Bookstore at (888) 334-3327, option 4, or [email protected].