Can I earn continuing education credit by attending educational programs sponsored by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans?
Any individual can receive a verification of attendance for continuing education credit for license renewal or for personal records. However, because licensing credit is subject to state regulations and application deadlines, this service should be requested at least 90 days before the start of the program.
How can I request this service?
List your profession(s) and, if applicable, the state(s) of licensing and license number in the continuing education request portion of the registration form.
How is my continuing education credit verified?
A set of personalized continuing education forms will be included in the registration packet you receive on-site. The completed forms verify attendance at specific sessions. NOTE: If you requested continuing education at the time you registered but did not receive continuing education forms in your packet, PLEASE SEE an International Foundation representative on site.
One (1) form must be completed for each session. The session number, date, time and title must be filled out manually and each form must be signed.
Session Number
Manually fill in #1 for the first session you attend and #2 for the second session, etc.
Annual Conference OnlyEach session is assigned a number in the program book. Manually fill in the assigned number for each session you attend. (Example: #302 could be your first session, #412 your second.)
At the conclusion of each session, leave the form for that session with a meeting room attendant. Due to license board regulations, forms can only be accepted at the end of the session as you exit the room.
Why do I have to fill out so many forms?
Some states require sign-in, sign-out sheets; the completed continuing education forms signed individually meet these requirements.
Also, if an individual's continuing education report is audited by a licensing board, we can provide a record of that individual's attendance—including that the subject matter of sessions attended is in compliance with continuing education regulations.
How is my credit recorded and reported?
A Continuing Education Certificate is produced based on the continuing education forms deposited by each individual. Each certificate is personalized to provide information regarding credit in the state(s) of licensing, i.e., sponsor ID numbers, assigned course numbers and the total hours of accepted credit.
Is it necessary that I have this Continuing Education Certificate?
Yes. We also will keep a copy of the certificate with the continuing education forms you submitted, because state boards require that attendance records be maintained for seven years by the sponsor. The certificate and attendance forms meet these requirements.
Is there a charge for this service?
Can I earn continuing education units for attendance at programs?
No. CEUs are issued by some educational institutions and professional associations as a uniform unit of measurement for participation in noncredit continuing education. We do not issue CEUs.
How do I know if the program I attend will earn continuing education credit for my license renewal?
Please contact our Continuing Education Department at
[email protected] or call (262) 786-6710 option 2. The personnel working on site at our programs may not have specific information about each license/designation and each state.
Will I receive a personal continuing education record?
Any individual who requested continuing education service at the time of registration and used continuing education forms will receive a verification of attendance for personal continuing education documentation.
How do I receive continuing education verification?
Request continuing education service on the registration form.
Fill out, sign and deposit a continuing education form at the conclusion of each session.
To request confirmation of credit to be earned, call (262) 786-6710 option 2 or email [email protected].
What if I failed to request continuing education credit at the time of registration?
If you failed to request this service at the time of registration, blank continuing education forms may be available on site at the registration desk. Credit requested on site is not guaranteed due to many licenses and/or designations requiring pre-approval of the program content.